• We love God.
    We believe in God.

  • Where People Gather
    to Worship & Share

  • We Build Hope
    and Grow Together

We, at LNC, are a purpose-driven and spirit-led fellowship of believers that aim to connect people to God through strong apostolic teaching that fosters spiritual maturity, promotes a strong leadership culture, and helps people to discover their calling. Together, we seek to live as Christ taught and reach others through His love. We are a movement that has fallen deeply in love with God and His word that we allow it to influence every aspect of our life.

Who We Are

We are a movement that has fallen so in love with God and His word that we allow it to affect every aspect of our life without boundary.

Our Ministry

Light of the Nations church is built upon the principles of God's Word. We strive to promote an atmosphere of apostolic power that changes lives and expands the Kingdom of God through a balanced ministry of biblical preaching and demonstrative worship.

Vision and Mission

Our vision is to be vibrant Pentecostal church to fashion spirit filled ministers and community to impact next generation.We exist to reach, teach and equip people to become true followers of Jesus Church I.e Reach the unreached and the marginalized community with the love of Christ.

Our President

Rev. Dr. Varghese Samuel (Pr. Lyji) serves as the President of Light of the Nations Church. Pastor Lyji was born in Tiruvalla, India to a Marthomite godly family. He dedicated his life to Jesus Christ 1984. In 2004, God called him and he began ministering in India.He took his Pastoral Ordination in 2006.

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We have a strong sense of community with parishioners.

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What They Say

Today’s Promise :     And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it, and then, finally, the end will come - Matthew 24:14